Has the name, Melvv, crossed your library of talented producers yet?
If the answer to that question is not a definitive YES, here’s something for you to listen to.
Rising future-bass artist, Melvv, has been chilling the spines of thousands with his sensitive and persuasive approach to soothing sounds, raising the bar of innovation with each of his releases.
His most recent compilation, “What If Everything’s Not Everything”, is a 10 minute remix of all 11 tracks in Lido’s debut album, “Everything”, and once again is proving that Melvv is a force to be reckoned with.
The mix is outstanding in the sense that the entire discography of “Everything” mashes and blends seamlessly with one another, showcasing that everything is in fact, not everything.
Surely to replenish your ears and draw a smile on your face, Melvv will send chills down your spine before you can comprehend the artistry the protégée immerses you in.
So plug your earphones in, hit play, close your eyes, and enjoy the magic hidden in this stellar masterpiece.