Tycho has announced the release of their forthcoming album, Simulcast. Tycho explains the meaning behind the upcoming music to give fans an idea of what to expect. It’s meant to be a companion album to their latest album, Weather.
Weather is an extremely transformative album that really takes listeners on a whimsical journey. With Saint Sinner as the guiding voice, you’re taken through the album one experience at a time. Her gentle voice portrays the various message from each song. As Simulcast is the companion to Weather, I’m very eager to hear the differences it will bring. Tycho generally produces music that is left up to interpretation, which is not an easy feat. It allows the listeners to create their own meaning based on what the music means to them. From the sound of it, Simulcast with be no different.
2 Songs Released on the Wake of the Simulcast Announcement
On the wake of the album announcement, Tycho has released two of the eight songs from the album. What’s most interesting from the announcement is the track list. Many of the tracks seem to have the same, or similar, name as songs from Weather. On the opposite spectrum, there are completely new releases. “Other Sunset” is one of these new releases, which was introduced to the world this week. To be expected, the song contains no lyrics. It’s an instrumental production that stays true to it’s namesake. While listening I found myself picturing what my sunset looks like, while also wondering what a sunset looks like to someone else. I’m curious to know what other listeners think when they listen.
The other song released from Simulcast is titled “Stress”. If you listened to Weather, you know that one of the songs is titled “No Stress”. When I listend to the new creation, I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of curiosity. My interpretation of “Stress” surrounded two different thoughouts. First thought – Is this the stress melting away? Second thought – Was the initial song telling listeners to not let stress take a hold of them, and now this is the release? Regardless, I really appreciate the thought-provoking music Tycho produces. It creates an inevitable sense of wonder that won’t rest.
Simulcast to Release February 28th
Simulcast is now available for pre-order on all streaming platforms with a release date of February 28th. Tycho will be debuting the album on their upcoming tour starting February 3rd. The group will be traveling throughout the US for this tour, ending in Vegas in June before hopping to Europe for the remaining leg. Be sure to check out their website for tour dates and tickets.