
Writing a dissertation at the end of your master’s is not only compulsory but holds quite the marking division when it comes to your final result. This means you have to start thinking about your research subject matter, method, and execution from the beginning of the year.

Don’t be fooled by your last-minute accomplishment record because a last-minute dissertation is good as an amateur flying a plane. The crash landing on your grade sheet will be hard to look at. Therefore, take some time, and begin with your essay beforehand to avoid any last-minute issues.

The reason why many find themselves procrastinating is:

  • They are anxious about starting the pain. Majorly because they do not know what to do.
  • It is a long process, and they are looking at the whole matter as a whole rather than in parts.
  • They are not that writing savvy and maybe have great ideas, but placing them on paper could be difficult. Then the experts at Fresh Essays can be of some assistance.

What Consist Of A Dissertation Paper

A dissertation paper is like a thesis, where you take upon a subject and come up with a hypothesis. Now, the task is to carry the research forward through different research methods (sampling, interview, etc.) and prove that hypothesis. To give your surface understanding, this is what a dissertation paper consists of.

  • Title Page.
  • Acknowledgment.
  • Abstract.
  • Table Of Contents.
  • List Of Tables & Figures.
  • List Of Abbreviations.
  • Glossary.
  • Introduction.
  • Literature Review.
  • Methodology.
  • Results.
  • Discussion.
  • Conclusion.

How To Ensure Your Masters Dissertation Paper Is Top Notch

Here is how you can make your master’s research paper top-notch. Something which you will not just enjoy writing, but your professors will love reading.


Do Not Complicated Things

A very common mistake that everyone makes is overcomplicating the subject. An answer becomes more comprehensible when it is simplified. Remember that each research has variables, and generally, we are trying to find the relation and correlation between these variables.

If you want to understand your own research pathway better, it is better to stick to two variables.

  • An independent.
  • A dependent one.

One variable is dependent on the other, and you are trying to prove the real-life accounts, cases, and consequences of such dependency. For example, if you choose a dissertation topic like “Does Peer Pressure Have Any Effect On Mental Health.” Your independent variable is “Peer Pressure,” and the dependent one is “Mental Health.”

You are essentially trying to understand whether mental health and well-being are dependent on the peer pressure a teenager goes through.

Choose A Subject Which Is Easy For The Professor To Understand

It is tempting to go for a subject that is out of the box and unique. However, only take the risk with such a subject matter when you are absolutely sure. Other than that, if you are unable to keep your focus on the two variables and are constantly straying to cover extraneous variables, it is better to choose a different one.

The trick is to select a subject matter which will not only interest you but also the professor. You can speak to your dissertation mentor or directly reach out to the professor who might be taking your viva and simply have a chat.

If your subject is difficult to understand, it will automatically be frustrating because you are not making their work easy. Another worst-case scenario would be to have a murky ambiguous hypothesis and conclusion proving something. If your research paper doesn’t reach a valid end, it will not be well-marked.


Pay Attention To The Literature Review

The literature review is a source through which you understand your essay topic and other people’s take on it. It is not an easy task, though, perusing through all the other research papers done so far on the subject. Then sum it up to place it on your literature review, and also concoct a hypothesis from it.

A good dissertation will have more than fifteen literature reviews to provide a clear picture of the topic. You also have to draw out the similarities and differences in your week compared to others (this is where your uniqueness comes in).

A dissertation paper that starts with a good literature review will always impress the one reading it.

Do Not Start Without A Planning

A plan is what ensures the smooth progress of your dissertation. The reason why you feel intimidated by the task or have a poor understanding of what you should do.

This is how you start effectively planning for a dissertation:

Begin with clarifying the subject matter to yourself.

Then determine the sub-topics which you would like to cover. Be complacent with the fact that you wouldn’t be able to cover it all.

Suppose your dissertation requires quantitative or qualitative research of a sample of the population you are targeting. Determine the sample (number of responses you will need to come to a statistical conclusion).

Choose your method of acquiring answers from the sample. Will it be a quota sampling method where you send surveys out to a bunch of people or an interview where you sit with an interviewee and understand their perspective? You can check other research methods and pick the one appropriate for you.


Do Not Change the Hypothesis

One has to pick a hypothesis before the research begins.

A hypothesis is the predicted answer/result you might conclude after the research is done. These hypotheses can be of two kinds (if they are correct).

  • Null Hypothesis: When there is no relation between two or more variables.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: When there is a proven relationship between two or more variables. This could be directional, where one knows the relation. Or non-directional, where the relation is not determined.

However, it can happen that your hypothesis is totally wrong, and your research summarization is very different. This doesn’t show poorly on your research paper, rather it is an interesting dissertation to read. Do not change your hypothesis in the last minute out of panic because your research will not reflect upon the hypothesis.

Start Early To Avoid Last-Minute Rush

Here is some other advice on starting and completing your essay early and not leaving it for the last few days.

Make small targets for each week, so you are not bombarded with the feeling of “too much work.”

Remember to assign a good amount of time for editing. When it is a dissertation, you cannot submit the first draft.

Try to get your research and sampling done first before finally starting with your essay. Do not attempt both tasks simultaneously.