A deck is a perfect addition to any backyard. It is the place where you can sit down with your family, have some breakfast, drink your coffee before work, and even making cocktails for your friends. Once it is built, you will use it every single day, I am certain. However, such a backyard project is not cheap at all, especially if your hire professionals. Both the materials and the workers are costly. This is one of the reasons why so many people decide to go with the DIY method.

But, you have to understand that there is a good reason why professionals ask for such a high fee. The project is complicated and difficult. Since you plan to Do-It-Yourself, you may need a little bit of help to make the deck-building process easier and faster. Fortunately, you are already in the right place because this article is going to provide you with all the tips and tricks you need for such a DIY project.

Source: Tandem Contracting

1. Get all of your permits in check

Before we can start doing any kind of building on your property, it is very important to determine whether you are legally allowed to do so. Usually, a lot of neighborhood communities or cities put certain regulations when it comes to buildings. These rules are put in place to deter people from constructing all kinds of buildings.

However, most of the time, these communities and cities do not have any problems with decks. Either way, it is still a good idea to check whether you will need a permit for the construction or whether there are certain regulations that you must follow.

Once you get all the necessary documents, you can finally start working on your DIY project.

Source: John’s Lumber

2. Equip the right tools

One of the worst mistakes you could make when working on a DIY project is being ill-equipped. I have noticed that a lot of people make the same mistake which is why I thought I should definitely mention this. You will need to get equipped with all the right tools if you want everything to go smoothly.

Below I am going to list all of the essential tools, but keep in mind there might be some other type of equipment you might need later in your project.

The most essential tool has to be the protective gear such as eye protection, gloves, a face mask, and a hard hat. Then you will need to get a hammer, wrenches, screwdrivers with all kinds of tips, table saw, circular saw, a drill, and some bits, tweezers, pliers. As I said, this is the most vital equipment, but if you need anything else, you can go ahead and buy it.

I recommend buying everything now, so you do not have to waste time going back-and-forth to the hardware store during the construction process.

Source: John’s Lumber

3. Always order extra materials

One thing that you would not want to happen while you are building your brand new deck is to end up without enough materials to finish the job. When this happens, you will need to order another batch of the required materials and you will probably have to wait a few days or even weeks, especially during this pandemic.

So, instead of getting yourself in such a complicated situation, it is probably best to just order extra materials early on. It is not going to cost a lot of money and you could always use those leftover materials for future projects or to repair something.

Source: The Spruce

4. Get a professional opinion

The entire point of this article is to focus on the DIY aspect of building a deck. However, this does not mean that you should not get an opinion from a professional builder. Most companies will offer such an opinion free of charge. In other words, it will not cost you anything to get and advice from a professional.

Maybe a professional will be able to tell you something useful or maybe not. Who knows, maybe the entire project will be too difficult to do by yourself and you will end up hiring professionals in the end. Either way, it is a good idea to check out your project with a professional as suggested by www.decksforlife.ca.

Source: DuraLife Decking

5. Set up the area

Once you have the required documents, tools, and materials to start building, it is time to set up the area that you will be working on. Naturally, to measure and mark exactly where your deck is going to be. Around it, you will need enough space where you can move around freely to work. It is essential to create a working area where you can easily maneuver with both tools and material such as wooden planks.

It is also important to inform everyone in your household to be very careful around this working area. This is to prevent them from getting hurt or causing damage to the deck during the building process.

Another thing to keep in mind is the stairs. They may require a bit more open space in the surrounding area for work.

Source: The Spruce

6. Install the ledger

Once the surrounding area for work has been marked, it is time to start the construction. The very first step you should take to make all your construction will bit easier is to place the ledger. The ledger should be placed directly on the side of your house and this is what marks the start of the construction. From here on, you will be able to install the footings, posts, support beams, and finally the joints.

The rest of the project is not difficult at all. You just have to make sure that you are following every step of the process as accurately as you can. Measure every single point where you need to drill, screw or connect beams. This is very important if you want to build a long-lasting deck in your backyard.

I could probably go on and give you dozens of tips and tricks to make your decking building process a bit easier and simpler, but I believe these six tips I provided above are those that will help you the most.