
Childrеn havе an innatе sеnsе of wondеr and imagination that oftеn finds its еxprеssion in play. Onе of thе most chеrishеd and timеlеss forms of play is building a cubby housе, a whimsical hidеaway whеrе childrеn can lеt thеir imagination run wild.

Cubby housеs havе comе a long way from makеshift structurеs of blankеts and chairs to bеautifully dеsignеd, sturdy, and safе play spacеs that can adorn your backyard.

If you’rе looking to crеatе a magical havеn for your childrеn, this guidе will hеlp you еxplorе thе world of cubby housеs and find thе pеrfеct onе for your littlе advеnturеrs.

The Magic of Cubby Houses


Cubby housеs arе morе than just play structurеs; thеy arе portals to a world of makе-bеliеvе and crеativity. A cubby housе can bе a castlе, a spacеship, a junglе, or a cozy cottagе. It’s a spacе whеrе childrеn can act out storiеs, play housе, or simply rеlax and rеad a book.

Thеsе small structurеs havе thе powеr to turn an ordinary backyard into an еxtraordinary world of fun and еxcitеmеnt.

Benefits of Cubby Houses

Cubby houses, those charming little abodes tucked away in the corners of gardens, hold a special place in the hearts of children. Beyond being a play structure, they offer a plethora of benefits that contribute significantly to a child’s growth and development. Here are the benefits:

1. Encourages Outdoor Play

In the age of technology and screens, encouraging children to spend time outdoors is more important than ever. Cubby houses act as magnets, drawing children away from devices and screens.

By providing a designated outdoor play space, cubby houses entice children to step into the fresh air and engage in physical activities.

2. Promotes Creativity

HipKids have cubby houses that are the epitome of a child’s imaginative haven. A blank canvas waiting to be adorned with the strokes of creativity, they enable children to envision and enact various roles and scenarios.

Whether they choose to be pirates sailing the high seas, astronauts exploring the cosmos, chefs creating culinary wonders, or anything else their minds conjure, cubby houses offer a realm where imagination reigns supreme.

3. Develops Social Skills

Cubby houses are often a hub of activity, bustling with laughter, chatter, and collaborative play. Children invite their friends to join in the fun, thereby fostering social interactions. Sharing this space and playing together encourages teamwork, negotiation, cooperation, and compromise.

4. Enhances Motor Skills

The physical structure of a cubby house, with its ladders, slides, and crawl spaces, provides an ideal environment for the development of motor skills. Climbing up ladders, crawling through tunnels, and sliding down slides all contribute to the enhancement of both gross and fine motor skills.

5. Fosters Independence

Having a cubby house gives children a sense of ownership and a place to call their own. It’s their little domain where they make the rules, arrange their toys, and decide how to play. This sense of ownership fosters independence as they learn to take responsibility for their space.

Choosing the Perfect Cubby House


Choosing the perfect cubby house for your child involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure a delightful play space that matches both your child’s desires and your outdoor environment. Here’s a detailed breakdown of these crucial factors:

1. Size and Space

The first step in choosing a cubby house is evaluating the available space in your backyard. Measure the area where you plan to install the cubby house. It’s crucial that the size of the cubby house is proportionate to the available space, allowing for ample room for other outdoor activities.

Consider not only the footprint of the cubby house but also its height and how it fits within the landscape.

2. Design and Style

Cubby houses are available in a diverse array of designs and styles, ranging from quaint traditional cottages to sleek modern playhouses. The design you choose should complement your backyard’s aesthetics while also aligning with your child’s preferences and tastes.

Take into account the architectural elements, color schemes, and overall appeal to create an inviting play space.

3. Material and Durability

Selecting the right material for the cubby house is paramount for durability and longevity. Common materials for cubby houses include treated timber, plastic, and metal. Treated timber, known for its natural aesthetic, blends seamlessly with outdoor surroundings.

Regardless of the material you choose, prioritize durability to ensure the cubby house can withstand various weather conditions, ensuring a long-lasting play structure.

4. Safety Features

Safety should always be a top priority when selecting a cubby house. Look for features that adhere to safety standards such as rounded edges, non-toxic materials, and sturdy construction.

Secure door latches are essential to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of the children playing inside. Always verify that the cubby house meets or exceeds safety regulations before making a purchase.

5. Assembly and Maintenance

Consider the ease of assembly and maintenance required for the cubby house. Some cubby houses come with pre-fabricated panels, making assembly a straightforward DIY task. On the other hand, certain models may require more complex construction.

Choose a cubby house that aligns with your DIY skills and the time you have available for assembly. Additionally, assess the maintenance needs to ensure they fit into your routine effortlessly.

6. Accessories and Add-ons

Enhance the play experience by exploring additional features and accessories for the cubby house. Consider accessories like slides, swings, climbing walls, sandboxes, or even flower boxes.

Cubby Houses: Gateways to Imagination and Adventure for Your Children


A cubby house is not just a play structure; it’s a gateway to a world of adventure and imagination for your children. Investing in a well-designed, safe, and appealing cubby house can provide years of joy and creativity for your little ones.

Consider the size, design, material, safety features, assembly, and accessories before making your choice. With the perfect cubby house in your backyard, you’re set to watch your children embark on countless magical journeys in their very own whimsical hideaway.