burning man

Burning Man is reported to be “considering legal action” against sandwich chain Quiznos over a video ad that pokes fun at the festival, an event organizer said.

Quiznos published a parody video, \”Out of the Maze and into the Playa,\” on YouTube earlier this week,  poking fun at the festival while blatantly advertising their products as well as the upcoming Maze Runner movie.

Spokesman Jim Graham said Friday that festival officials see the video as theft of Burning Man\’s intellectual property.

\”We are pretty proactive about protecting our 10 principles, one of which is decommodification… We get a quite a number of requests each year from companies wanting to gift participants with their product or to capture imagery or video of their products at the event, and we turn them all down.\”

Check out Quiznos commercial below:

Via: theverge

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