Bassnectar announced plans for The Bassnectar Art Exchange on Tuesday, which will be a combination of Tumblr and Etsy for Bassnectar themed art. The TBAE will be an interactive gallery starting this summer featuring the creativity of the fans. The TBAE will be the community hub for artists who wish to share their creativity in a positive way, while respecting Bassnectar himself.
Many bassheads have used the Bassnectar logo to make customized merch that they sell to other fans for personal profit, they probably didn\’t know that Bassnectar himself considers this stealing. In fact, Lorin says its \”absolutely not ok\” to sell any merchandise that uses any of Bassnectar\’s logos or symbols, but he doesn\’t want to totally banish fan art, which is where TBAE comes in.
Let me make the long story short by saying we encourage unlimited creativity, art, passion & inspiration in our community! And we strongly encourage you to share & give and let your art reverberate throughout the universe. But if you make art and then take the Bassnectar Logo and sell your art using the Bassnectar Logo, that’s not ok. That’s not what a true fan does, that’s not what a bass head does, and that’s not what I would do.
Any artists with questions or inquiries for The Bassnectar Art Exchange, contact the Bassnectar team through .
Source: Bassnectar