Emma Maidenberg and Nick Ortega are the two musical masterminds behind the future-bass duo PRXZM. The self proclaimed \”professional neighbor annoyers\” are Indiana University students by day and well seasoned bass droppers by night. EDM Chicago was lucky enough to sit down with the up and coming duo to talk about Miami Music Week, inspirations, and what\’s in store for the future. Check out the interview below, and make sure to give PRXZM a listen on their SoundCloud.
What would you identify as your inspiration for your style of music?
Emma: I think we both draw from different styles and different people and different situations. I listen to a good amount of Halsey and Lorde and people who I admire for their lyric writing. That’s actually what got me started thinking about lyric writing. In terms of other artists that inspire me, definitely Flume, Jai Wolf and Waveracer.
Nick: For as far as production goes, I draw a lot of inspiration from Porter Robinson. I’ve played piano for 13 years so a lot of the melodies come naturally. We have a really great work flow together, and Emma comes up with the lyrics, so I draw a lot of inspiration from her as well.
So how do you come up with the lyrics?
Emma: I’ll start with a word I’ve been thinking about, or a phrase. The word “haze” came to me, and I really liked the idea, so I built lyrics around that.
Tell me about your Miami Music Week experience and the Buygore “Still Lit” pool party and afterparty.
Nick: I mean the whole week and the energy that was there was amazing. Being around all of these amazing artists and talking to them as normal people instead of “oh my god I love your stuff.” It’s just such a cool feeling. And the whole week before we were seeing promo everywhere like on the side of a bus we saw “PRXZM” or on the wall outside of this huge nightclub “PRXZM.” It was so surreal. All around amazing experience.
Emma: Becoming friends with people that we’d never thought we’d be in the same room with was unreal.
Are you guys working on any new material right now?
Emma: We’re working on about five tracks right now. Not necessarily for an EP. We’re working on quite a few things, kind of just bouncing around what exactly we’re working on. Some labels might sign one track, maybe five, maybe just the vocals.
Nick: As far as an EP, probably not for another year or so. We want to launch it on a solid platform, and then go on an EP tour.
I see you two just signed with Vital Management…that being said, what’s in store for PRXZM for the rest of 2016?
Nick: We’re going to be out in LA for the summer. We both found places to live, and that’s where Vital is based, so we’ll be able to work with them closely and get in on a lot of studio sessions.
Emma: We really want to broaden our network and work with more artists, especially all of the artists on the Vital roster. There are also a couple of festivals that Vital runs that we want to go to.
If you could collab with anyone, who would you want to work with?
Emma: Porter.
Nick: Snails.
Emma: Porter, Madeon, Snails, Zomboy. I adore those people. They’re all huge inspirations.
You two have come so far in the few years you’ve been around, what would you have to say to other young artists trying to make it in this industry?
Emma: Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to people. Don’t see someone else\’s talents as your shortcomings. There are always other ways to grow.
Nick: Never try to be “better” than the next person. Don’t try to be someone else.
Emma: Never start your sentences with “I want to be the next…”
Nick: There’s no limit to how far you can grow. As long as you’re true to yourself. You have to believe in what you are doing 100%. Take risks. Don’t be afraid to take it one step farther then you ever thought you could.
Emma & Nick: And STAY off of YouTube comments.