
Skin aging is caused by many factors including genetics, hormonal changes, sun exposure, diet, lifestyle choices, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, environmental toxins, and certain medical conditions. Sometimes, we can affect the overall condition, but in some cases, we can’t even think about reversing the effects of getting an adult. Surely, by understanding what causes your skin to age, you can begin taking steps to slow down its effects and improve its appearance.

No matter what type of skin care you practice, we suggest expert consultation so you can choose the proper products. We will cover more about this in this article later.

Also, you may ask how much time it takes to get rid of wrinkles. Is there anything we can do to prevent them from appearing?

Wrinkles develop due to various reasons such as sun exposure, smoking, stress, or even genetics. We can see them on our faces, neck, hands, chest, and other parts of the body

The only way to remove wrinkles is aesthetic surgery, which is too invasive for many. That’s why people decide to try alternative ways, like maintaining a healthier lifestyle, combined with quality cosmetics, and general self-care. When you need special care, you will have to visit a doctor-led skin care clinic, to improve the overall condition, like SkinEssentials. But sometimes, things can be reversed using a proper lifestyle and cosmetics.

Also, understanding the factors that affect skin quality will help you learn how to protect yourself from them and slow down the effects of aging.

While we are here, let’s share some important things you have to know about skin aging and proper care:


1. You must take proper care of your skin

Facial skin care is much more than washing thoroughly and applying care creams. In fact, when you want to slow down the aging process, it is necessary to introduce as many but optimal steps in care. So, the general advice is to wash your face in the morning with a cleanser, use a vitamin C serum, hydrate, and use SPF.

For the evening, you can use active ingredients such as retinol, which has been proven to help regenerate skin cells. Always use a moisturizer with retinol.

This is a short lesson on care, but of course, choose according to your skin type and what you need personally.

2. Avoid sun exposure

The biggest factor in skin aging is sun exposure. Sun damage is something we can prevent, but not completely reverse. You should always wear sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum at least SPF 30 (SPF 50 is most optimal for many skin types) lotion with UVA/UVB protection.

3. Don’t ignore the genetics

Skin aging is partly genetic, meaning that some people just naturally look older than others. Additionally, as we get older, our skin appears wrinkly, which is a completely normal process.

Surely, genetics determine the thickness of the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin. People with thin skin tend to wrinkle earlier and develop fine lines sooner than those with thick skin. While there is no way to change your genes, you can take steps to prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

As we said, avoiding sun exposure and proper cosmetics will do their part for sure.


4. Keep yourself hydrated during the day

Drink plenty of water. Our skin requires water to function properly. We should drink eight glasses of water daily. If you can’t handle that, drink as much as you feel is enough for your needs, but never let yourself dehydrate.

Also, eat fruits and vegetables with a high percentage of water, rich in vitamins and antioxidants that keep us looking young and healthy.

5. Be aware of the pollution effects

Air pollutants can penetrate into your skin, causing premature aging. Air quality varies widely depending on where you live, so it’s hard to say exactly how it affects your skin. But when the pollution is too obvious, your skin may suffer.

Even when the particles enter your lungs and bloodstream, they affect not only your health but also the way your skin looks.

6. Smoking is your enemy

This is the worst enemy of our health. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of toxic chemicals, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar, and heavy metals. It clogs blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the skin.

We don’t even need to mention the dehydration and the way it pollutes the skin when the smoke sticks to it. So, stop smoking as soon as possible, because surely you will look older if you don’t.


7. Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation has been proven to make us look older. Lack of sleep also disrupts the circadian rhythm, the 24-hour cycle of hormones that regulates everything from sleeping patterns to appetite.

All these things affect badly your skin condition. If you sleep better, your skin will look more restful, fresh, and shiny.

8. Eat right

Eating right is very important. Your diet surely affects your skin, which means you need to adjust it according to the skin’s needs.

A good diet includes whole grains, fresh fruit and veggies, lean protein, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, beans, fish, poultry, and eggs.

9. Take your supplements

Taking supplements is very helpful for those who need some boost when it comes to immunity and overall health. One of the so-called side effects is making your skin look better than ever.

So, don’t hesitate, just use the supplements as recommended.


10. Be positive and happy

Being happy and positive can prevent aging. Happy people are healthier, and hormones are pretty balanced too. If you feel like you have some personal issues, it’s always better to ask for help. That way, you take care of every aspect of your well-being.


We can summarize this article in a few sentences. Use sunscreen regularly throughout the year. Apply it at least 30 minutes before going outside, and reapply after swimming, sweating, or towel drying. If you’re concerned about dark spots and uneven pigmentation, try applying retinoids, vitamin A derivatives, to the affected area.

And surely, love yourself, because the love will show its effects immediately, including your skin aging signs.