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Have you ever come across a big brand without an Iconic logo design?

No? well, it’s because there is not any.

Gone are the days when marketing and branding in Chicago were indefinable subjects limited to entrepreneurs. Today, businesses in Chicago understand the merit in top-notch branding and ensure to invest a sizable portion of the company budget in it. And, what is the first thing you need to start an impeccable branding campaign? Of course, a leading logo design company in Chicago, who offers you the logo design of your dreams. Not just any logo, but an iconic logo design that becomes the face of your brand and gives you a golden opportunity to make a statement about it.

But how to identify that your logo design is an iconic one is the real question here.

Yes, the process is not as simple as it sounds; however, this handy guide will tell you everything you must know to ace your business logo designs in short order.

Follow these five tips for a great logo design and give your brand a boost.

1. Know Your Brand

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There is no way you can create an alluring logo without understanding your brand. Who you are as a brand consists of a few key features and elements:

  • What is your brand mission?
  • What beliefs and ideology drive your organization?
  • How are you different from your competitors?
  • What is your brand voice?

If you are having trouble figuring out who you are, do not sweat it. Answering all these questions will give you clarity on who you are as a brand. Once you are done, it is time to build the identity that will bring this brand to life and show who you are to people that matter the most: your potential customers.

2. Colors That Influence the Soul

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Colors play a substantial role in determining a brand’s message. For instance, if you decide on using red as your main color, it will send the message of the brand is passionate, energetic, and aggressive. This means the brand is intending to target young potential customers. Similarly, if you want blue as your main color, it will do the job of evoking feelings of togetherness and intelligence. This is why most social media platforms go with blue in their iconic logo designs, such as Twitter and Facebook. In contrast, others use bold and bright colors to grab customer attention instantly.

Whichever color you choose, make sure it goes well with your brand’s ideology, message, and products.

3. Simplification Is the Ultimate Sophistication

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If you ask for one quick and effective iconic logo design tip from the best logo design company in Chicago and designers out there, they will tell you to do anything but complicate it. They tend to lay extra emphasis and focus on crafting a simple and minimalistic logo.

So, what exactly is a simple logo?

It implies that a logo should not have a lot of colors, fonts that are complex, and illustrations that have hidden meaning. Sending mixed signals to the audience is never a clever thing. Do not forget nobody will spend more than a few seconds on your brand logo, and if it does not make sense right away, there are no chances of them trying to figure out stuff. Keep it as simple as possible. After all, a simple logo can be the most recognizable and memorable design.

4. Scalability Is the Key!

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You might have the best logo in the industry, but does it look great on all mediums?

That is where the importance of the scalability of a logo design comes. Your logo design will feature a variety of advertisements, and it is imperative that it looks impressive on all media. This means when your logo design is scaled up to a larger proportion on a billboard, it looks appealing almost as if it were part of the billboard design.

However, if your logo design loses its “sense of proportion” and some of its elements look odd on the billboard, your design is a huge failure.

5. A Life Full of Empty Space

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Just like people like to be given their space, logos also need room to breathe. Though the use of white space can be a tricky thing as it demands professional skills and a touch of creativity and balance, the efforts pay off when customers appreciate the whimsical nature. It helps you set your logo apart by giving it a unique twist on a standard design.

A lever logo design is more memorable than one that is generic. When you utilize the white space creatively in your design, you can undoubtedly produce a logo that gets people thinking, and customers can easily engage with your brand.

Now you would probably be thinking about where to get these iconic logo design services in Chicago, well look no further visit here and find the most affordable logo designing packages in Chicago.

That is all for now. We know all this information might seem a little overwhelming, but take it slow and never rush yourself. You will end up with an extraordinary logo.

In the meanwhile, if you have questions and queries, please leave your comments below. We will get back to you soon.