Against the Clock is a series by FACT TV — they give an artist 10 minutes in the studio, and see what they come up with in that time. Flux Pavilion was their latest guest, and lets just say he killed it.

During Flux\’s 10 minutes on Against the Clock, he showcased his synths and drums, and added an impressive re-pitched recording of his own voice.

Flux explained his crazy technique to FACT TV after his 10 minute showcase:

I usually pitch everything down six or seven semi tones, then sing it in my normal voice, then pitch it back up again so it becomes high pitched (or a naturally sung high pitch). You’re not just pitching something up so it has to fit. Sometimes it’s interesting to do harmonies low and then sing your normally over the top, it brings this really weird effect.

You can watch Flux Pavilion\’s session below.