When you leave the house – the first thing you think about is to lock the door well. And that’s OK. Safety always comes first. However, sometimes that kind of security can cost us. Locking and unlocking doors can sometimes turn into a real nightmare. It happens that the key gets stuck in the lock, or you just can’t unlock the door. What to do then? How to fix a locked door that won’t open? We hope to help you with the explanations in this text.
Broken Key – Nervous Breakdown
Is there anything else that annoys you more than a situation where the key gets stuck in the lock – or even worse, when the key breaks? It is one of those situations that literally leads us to a nervous breakdown. However, locks and keys are still a very reliable means of securing your home – and these situations are fortunately rare. To preserve his own property, man invented many different devices. Doors and locks are certainly the most affordable option for most of us. After some time, the design of locking mechanisms has gone through a long phase of modernization – due to which modern locks stand out with increased strength and a guarantee of security against burglary or breakage of the lock.
A Small Key Can Become A Big Problem
The main purpose of locking the door is to protect property and people in the house. However, there are cases when the owners accidentally find themselves in funny situations – trying unsuccessfully to enter their apartment or house. The lock can easily get stuck or the key gets broken – so we have to use the help of special services.
When The Lock Breaks
There are many reasons why a door lock can create problems. In years before, when locks were simpler and with simple cylinders and a mechanism – the problems with opening the door were far easier and more simple than today. Today, we mostly use modern locking systems, and this can sometimes make a big problem. Solving such problems requires the help of professionals – who use their special tools to solve the problem. Although rare, sometimes it still happens that the door and door frame are not installed correctly. In that case, the lock can work the first two or three times with high stretching – but after that, it will stop opening and closing. The fault lies solely with the installers who installed the door and didn’t do it properly – and they made a problem for you. In that case, call the service that installed the door immediately – and solve this problem, free of charge.
The Key Hardly Turns, Gets Stuck In The Lock – Or Just Breaks
When installing a new lock, you mustn’t lose all the original keys. Otherwise, you will have to make duplicates – for which poor quality material is used. With the constant use of the lock, the sawdust from the key cutting – is deposited in the locking mechanism, creating garbage. Therefore, sometimes by vacuuming the house – lean the hose against the lock to vacuum the sawdust. If the lock is stuck, it is most likely the first cause of the malfunction. If the lock mechanism is complicated or you have a newer door system – call professional companies such as locksmithandsecurity which are fast and efficient. Locksmith Leeds professionals are familiar with all lock systems – so you can rely on them.
It is extremely rare that newly purchased locking devices also have some manufacturing defects. So sometimes it happens that during the visual inspection, the mechanism works – but after installation, the key doesn’t move in the lock. In that case, never try to turn the key in the lock by force – because the key may break. Therefore, simply by using your warrant – you request that your lock be replaced.
Freezing Locks
Let’s not forget this issue. There are certain situations in which the lock on the door can freeze – but there is a solution for that as well. Special defrosting sprays can be helpful in these situations. Thanks to the thin nozzle, the composition is injected in a small jet into the locking mechanism. The key must be turned gradually in both directions. Once the key has popped out, the inside of the lock needs to be cleaned – as the main problem is the accumulated debris inside the locking device. You should have such sprays and keep them in the apartment, house, garage – and especially in the car because strong winters often freeze the door frame locking systems, etc.
Broken Or Headed Lock
Very often, the cause of a door malfunction – is a blocking of the locking mechanism. Sometimes, the door doesn’t open even when the key is fully turned. Flat metal objects, such as a ruler, knife, or nail file – will help you solve this problem. If you don’t have such things at hand – you can try using a credit card. With a little effort, you need to move the small door leaf of the jamb – and insert the selected tool into the appropriate opening. Press it lightly and it will open. To avoid such problems in the future – the lock will have to be disassembled – and the spring in the mechanism should be loosened. This is the most common problem with all doors – because they are used frequently. Keep in mind that the lock and the cylinder wear out – so it is not a bad idea to service the mechanism preventively sometimes.
Do We Have To Use Extreme Measures To Solve These Issues?
Basically, the problems of stuck locking are solved by standard methods – but in some cases, it is necessary to resort to extreme measures. Of course, you can try to remove the door from the hinges – but in modern door models, a strong protection system with construction screws is used, which will prevent such manipulation.
So What Do We Do Then?
A door lock is an element of the security system of your property. For a locking device to be good and functional – its mechanism must be maintained. Therefore you should use some of these tips:
- As soon as external sounds appear in the lock system – the lock must be lubricated.
- If the lock is tense and the key is stuck and difficult to turn – it is necessary to clean the mechanism with special sprays.
- If the front door is located on the street, the lock must be protected from moisture. For example, make a small visor above the keyhole – to prevent corrosion of the lock.
The Bottom Line
When you look at the situation a little better – it’s not bad to learn something new. Knowing how to solve the problem of doors and locks should definitely be in your head – because you never know when you might need it.