Deadmau5 is asking Mickey Mouse to \”lawyer up.\” And vice versa.
Yes, Disney has officially filed a trademark opposition against Joel Zimmerman –deadmau5– for the use of his mau5-head logo. Back in late March, early April, Disney notified the US Trademark Office of its intentions to investigate the 33-year old\’s trademark, and was given a three-month period to undergo investigation. With that time, and then some, Disney was able to establish what their current argument is: individuals might confuse the mau5-head with the very familiar Mouse-head.
Thus, Disney is attempting to block deadmau5\’s efforts to trademark his logo in the US, arguing that permitting it would damage their own business and efforts to maintain their image around the globe.
As expected, Zimmerman is not shaken. His lawyer and his own Twitter acknowledgments made one thing certain: ten years of established credibility in the music industry and trademarks in other countries will not be all for naught.