dropbox hack

It is a well-known fact that Electronic music producers use Dropbox in order to store and securely share their content with other artists. Dropbox experienced a security breach in 2012. It is coming to light now that the extent of the breach had been previously minimized, as seen in reports from websites such as Motherboard. Hacks such as these have the potential to jeopardize an artist’s portfolio, as well as other significant information. This is justifiably causing a lot of concern over what exactly was stolen, considering that 68 million users were affected.

According to Motherboard, there is little need for worry as the entirety of what was stolen was encrypted through salted hashing, rather than being plain text. In a relevant thread on Reddit, top-rating poster Devam13 clarified the extent of danger, “as long as you are not using super-duper simple passwords like \’password\’ or your username, you are pretty [much] fine.” Dropbox has additionally forced password resets on all affected users, and any accounts utilizing two-factor authentication are completely safe.

Two-factor authentication requires a second level of verification, such as a code sent to one\’s cell phone. Unsuccessful hacking attempts on Deadmau5’s Dropbox made in May demonstrate the effectiveness of this kind of security. In his own words,

hahaha now theyre trying to \”hack\” into my dropbox… that two factor shits a bitch eh?

— dead mow cinco (@deadmau5) May 24, 2016

Despite the large scale of this security breach, it seems unlikely that artists will be affected by leaks of unreleased material or personal information. Nonetheless, attacks like this demonstrate the necessity for responsible password keeping, as well as proper use of two-factor verification when possible.