The first thing that pops into my head when starting Deadmau5’s Live set is, why is it necessary to have That much equipment? I feel like it’s 1943 with the Colossus “computer” that takes up the whole room. Maybe I’m simply naïve and don’t understand completely what goes into making music, but jeez can you even use all that at once? With that aside, instantly I’m transplanted into a dank underground club in Europe. Packed full sweaty people all pulsating to the repetitious beat, slowly giving themselves away to the music. Maybe this should be about Joel Zimmerman rather than Deadmau5, because he’s taken off the mouse head and looks to be jamming out at home to his own music, rather than appealing to the masses. It’s a no bullshit, no fluff, simply about the music set. Love it, hate it, do what ever you may please but recognize the artistry and love that this man put into his set.