Billboard reported today that Deadmau5, everyone\’s favorite twitter troll/producer, is teaching about music production via video instruction platform MasterClass. Deadmau5 will conduct lessons over the course of 20 installments for the low price of $90. Lessons are on the subject of electronic music production, and will verse the student in the ins-and-outs of production, melodies, mastering and creating your brand.

In the introduction video, Deadmau5 promises a class designed to \”develop your own style…your own sound.\” Ever a proponent of originality and uniqueness, and a vocal critic of sameness, this is certainly in keeping with Deadmau5\’ philosophy on EDM. Deadmau5 will focus on the creative process, the art of making EDM, rather than merely \”buying millions of dollars worth of gear.\”

Regardless of how you feel about the controversial and outspoken DJ, Deadmau5 is a master at what he does. His production is highly technical, and his usage of different mediums of technology is astounding. In addition to making music, Deadmau5 also uses design software to create the elements of his staging.

Watch the introduction video to Joel Zimmerman\’s MasterClass series below: