
As a business owner, you want to keep your costs down while still maintaining a clean, healthy environment. That’s why we’ve put together the best tips to help you save when it comes to cleaning up your office! From clever DIY solutions to partnering with the right companies, here are some surefire ways to keep your cleaning costs low.


Establish a Cleaning Schedule

Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule is an extremely effective way to keep your business cleaning costs down. Scheduling regular professional maintenance cleanings with a service provider can help you keep spaces tidy, reduce the need for deep cleans, and improve overall cleanliness throughout your organization.

When creating your schedule, think carefully about how often professionals should come in to tackle areas like bathrooms, kitchens, meeting rooms, entryways, and other high-traffic locations. Additionally, consider how floor waxing and spot treatments impact both the longevity of your hard surfaces and the team’s comfort. Finally, discuss with service providers the best ways to maximize their time on-site.

Set clear expectations for employees about their roles in general tidiness by designating recovery time – a few minutes each day just to tidy up anything that may have been missed or out of place from the prior day or week. This short amount of time can go a long way towards keeping common areas neat between deep cleansings.

By setting realistic expectations around employee roles in daily tidying as well as scheduling regular maintenance sessions with professional cleaning services providers companies will be able to ensure their cleaning costs stay low while simultaneously maintaining a comfortable workspace for their team.


Invest in Quality Cleaning Supplies

Investing in them can make a big difference when it comes to keeping your company’s costs down. Quality supplies should provide superior performance and last longer, reducing the need to buy new items more frequently. You can get the most out of your supplies by selecting those that are designed for use in specific areas of the office or for specific tasks. For example, using mops with microfiber heads on hardwood floors or using anti-static cleaning cloths on computer monitors can help minimize cleaning costs. Additionally, store and organize cleaning supplies properly so they will last as long as possible without needing to be replaced.


Train Employees in Proper Cleaning Techniques

Properly training employees in the correct techniques, for both their safety and for best results, is one key aspect to controlling your company’s costs. When selecting personnel to hire, it can be beneficial to search for individuals with prior cleaning experience. If you’re hiring those without a background in the profession, make sure you set aside time and resources to train them properly.

Training should include various topics such as handling cleaning equipment like vacuums and mops safely. This can be done by having employees learn how to avoid slips and falls while using slippery materials, protect themselves when using hazardous liquids such as solvents, and safe operation of any motorized equipment they might use.

It is also important that they receive proper instruction on effective techniques of manually sanitizing areas such as sweeping, mopping and wiping down surfaces within the workspace. They should become familiar with the specific products used in order to utilize them in an efficient manner while minimizing waste when possible — such as dispensing a reasonable amount of chemicals from concentrates instead of from bulky packages — which can save resources without compromising desired results or user safety. Employees should also understand why certain cleaning tasks must be done at specific times or on specified days; for instance, regularly replacing air fresheners or other chemical agents might need done weekly but vacuuming carpets needs only be done bi-monthly.

Lastly, staff must know what other duties are associated with keeping workplaces clean including checking equipment regularly for proper operation and staying up-to-date on labor laws regarding hazardous substances; they may need certifications if they are working in a food service environment. Providing comprehensive training materials that emphasize these topics will give your personal comfort by allowing them to better understand their role in helping maintain your company’s budget for facilities maintenance services.


Educate Employees on the Importance of Cleanliness

Educating your employees on the importance of cleanliness and sanitation can help them understand why it’s important to keep a tidy workplace. Make sure they know that a clean workspace not only looks better, but is also safer for everyone. Additionally, you should inform them that dirty workstations can contain germs and bacteria which could potentially spread illness or infection.

Encourage employees to take responsibility for their own areas by giving them specific duties and assigning cleaning tasks such as wiping down desks, shelves, counters and other surfaces daily. Provide education about the need for regular disinfection of surfaces that are used often or come into contact with multiple people, such as keyboards, telephones and door handles.

Make sure to remind your team of the need to follow safety protocols that involve proper disposal of food waste and other refuse. Place plenty of waste bins around the office so employees can access them easily. Establish good housekeeping habits such as wiping up spills immediately and cleaning up after eating lunch or going on breaks


After considering all of the ways to keep your company’s cleaning costs down, the best advice is to find the perfect balance. Investing in some quality cleaning supplies and equipment can help streamline procedures and reduce costly mistakes. Hiring experienced, reliable staff members and ensuring each member adequately understands their role in maintaining a clean working environment will ensure that your company spends less money uncovering existing messes or fixing damages after a mistake has been made.

Finally, regular maintenance of the building is recommended to make sure any problems can be identified and addressed quickly before they become larger ones in the future. Taking all of these precautions will result in reduced cleaning costs for your business as well as peace of mind for you and your employees when it comes to creating a safe, productive workspace.