The latest influx of celebrity DJs continues to grow as Breaking Bad\’s RJ Mitte has announced details of his debut appearance this coming April. Mitte, who played Walter Jr. on the hit AMC TV series, will be hosting a Breaking Bad themed event titled \”Breaking Beats\” at B.B. King\’s Blues Club in New York.

His interview with Digital Spy in 2013 suggested he was beginning to experiment with music creation. He additionally expressed concern with regard to the impact his cerebral palsy could potentially have on the process:

“I have a bit of an issue as I only have one good hand and one good ear […] I love music. My house is constantly filled with music – from vinyl to the thousands and thousands of song on my hard drive.”

There\’s no indication yet as to what style of music Mitte will be playing, or whether this will be a touring event, but for further details of his debut as well as tickets click here.
