
Each of us has an idea of ​​what we want to learn, what type of education and training we want to choose, and what we want to do in the future. From there comes the need to think carefully, consider the capacities, and do one’s best to succeed in the idea. Apart from us, it also depends on educational institutions and workplaces, i.e. companies regarding the approval of our request to study or be part of a working position. Recently, in that direction, the intelligence test is increasingly being applied, which they consider the most authoritative means to perceive the readiness of a candidate. This test has been used for years as an instrument in this part, but also other parts of human functioning, but have you thought about one thing. Have you ever wondered who came up with the idea of ​​measuring intelligence using tests, and what exactly IQ means?

IQ (intelligence quotient) refers to the ability of an individual to perceive information and reason logically. The term was coined by best psychologists back in the previous century. They argued that high scores indicate higher cognitive abilities, which include memory, reasoning, problem-solving, creativity, and social skills. These things are important to get a picture of whether a person is suitable for the profession he wants to do or whether a person is ready to face what science provides as information and as learning material. The usefulness of this test is great and it is important to conduct it correctly, say the experts from who offer this testing according to all standards. The usefulness of this test should be perceived by all of us and applied in everyday life.

Today, as we have already said, the concept has become synonymous with the ability to succeed at school, college, or university, get into good jobs, and even in relationships. When it comes to IQ testing, the standard method involves taking a test consisting of several short puzzles designed to measure fluid intelligence. However, we also need to know how this way of checking intelligence came about, how the measurements are made, and much more information that we are talking about today, and we ask you to follow us to the end and get the answers.


Who invented the IQ test?

Behind every invention and every project, there is a genius, and that is also the case when we talk about the Intelligence Test. Alfred Binet is a psychologist who is considered a pioneer in intelligence testing. Binet acquired most of his training in psychology at the Salpetriere Hospital, where he studied problems in the field of abnormal psychology. He opened a special laboratory where he developed a series of tests and used them to evaluate the intellectual development of his children. Later he, together with Theodore Simon, created the first intelligence test. Later, they revised the test by expanding it from a single scale to a battery of tests for children of different age groups, shifting the focus from identifying intellectual disability to measuring general intelligence. From here begins the development of the intelligence test, which has evolved to reach what it is today.

How is it measured?

Intelligence can be easily measured using this test. What can be obtained as a test result is thanks to the measurement concepts used. In the measurements, exercises of different types are used, which we have already talked about above, which are then measured on a specialized scale. The points that will be obtained are calculated and in the end, the coefficient is obtained which shows the level of intellectual development in the person, which is then used as a measure to direct the development of the person or the opportunities for advancement from an educational and career perspective.


4 Things to know about IQ testing

There are several things you need to know about IQ testing, and these are the following 4 important things that will go a long way in clarifying the concept of IQ testing.

1. IQ test scores do not predict future success

IQ tests were created to measure the amount of intelligence possessed by a person. However, they have been proven time and again to only correlate to academic performance at lower levels. At higher levels, people do much more than just understanding words and numbers. There are many factors outside of what IQ tests measure. These factors could range from how well someone handles adversity to their social skills.

2. IQ test results may vary based on age

Age seems to play a major role in the way your brain develops. If you take an IQ test when you’re young, chances are you will get a lower score compared to if you took the same test later in life. The average adult gains roughly five points per decade after reaching adulthood. So even though you may feel like you lost 5 years of your life, your actual IQ increases over time.


3. IQ tests don’t always work

In the past, IQ tests have been criticized for being faulty because they require verbal answers rather than nonverbal answers. But today, researchers are beginning to question whether they help anyone. A study published in the Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry showed that IQ test scores did not predict school grades. Another study shows that students who performed poorly on standardized math tests had no greater chance of becoming an entrepreneur than those who excelled at math.

4. Your IQ might change throughout your lifetime

Researchers have discovered that people’s IQ tends to increase with age. According to research, the average person’s IQ scores rise by five points each decade after reaching adulthood. This means that the oldest generation will likely have higher IQs than the youngest generation.

Every successful project has its course that it has gone through, and so does this concept. Today we managed to present to you all the important things related to intelligence testing, and it is up to you to use this concept in the future as a basis for future challenges and your development.