Ultra Music Festival, along with many other big music events, have gained notoriety for having outrageous things happen during the weekend.

From girls getting outright sexual with trees (see that Ultra 2012 video here) to pictures of couples going at it in broad daylight, this picture sits right up there as one of the most disturbing and hilarious music festival snapshots.

\"a2\"(via Reddit)

I don\’t have much so say about this picture, nor do I have to. It is clear that this woman, most definitely under the influence of some sort, is peeing on the face of an unconscious man. Instead of stopping her, everyone around is getting a kick out of it and snapping some photos for their collection of Ultra 2014 pictures.

I personally feel bad for the man; his blazer is going to be messed up and he will most likely be tasting urine when he wakes up. Pictures like these make the outside world question music festivals; who would want to go to a festival and wake up with pee all over their face?

Stay classy, Miami.